The Dynamics of a Family

If something is dynamic, then it is going through constant change or progress. You can think of it as the opposite of static. It could be illustrated as a stream that runs through a forest. As rain falls, the stream will grow and bubble over, find new courses, and constantly move forward. 
Families are dynamic organizations. Families will go through change and evolution. The simple fact of the matter is that things are constantly happening to us and around us. That sounds obvious, but sometimes we need to be reminded of the nature of our existence. Stagnation in our attitudes can lead to problems in the family. We have established that the family is a dynamic unit, and so if you are very stuck in your ways, then you will eventually come to an impasse. Perhaps you don't want to change, or you think that the way you do things is the only correct way.
The way that we were raised has a great impact on how we think that families should or should not operate. What is normal to us could seem completely foreign to someone who is outside of our family. I think especially when you are thinking about something like marriage and starting a new family, you should talk with your partner about your standards and your ideals of what your normal is. This would hopefully begin to pre-emptively anticipate future arguments or disagreements that you would fine. Aside from that, it is good to establish the habit of communication early on. 
Awareness is an important principle to keep in mind when we talk about the subject of family dynamics. It is important to look at your ideals and think about where you got them. We all have an idea of how a family should work, and we all have slightly different ideas. Of course, there are good, better, and best ways to do it. We know of certain things that are proven to be effective when it comes to raising a family.
One important principle is that of boundaries. It is important to maintain healthy boundaries in the family, even if we feel like we want to be involved in every aspect of our family's lives. Parents should counsel together when deciding things concerning the family. There should be a clear delineation between parent and child. It is not the responsibility of a child to care for their siblings in an authoritarian way. The responsibility of teacher and caretaker falls to the parents, and they should be prepared to engage in this role fully. 
These healthy boundaries and roles can establish a sense of comfort and tranquility in the home. Children will feel more secure with parents who are working together in love and confidence. This establishment of comfort and security is the ideal that the family unit should always be working towards. 
The way that the parents act towards one another will work to establish the tone of the home. If there is constant fighting or other forms of miscommunication and struggle between the parents, then this is setting a negative pattern for the children. They could internalize these behaviors, and this could cause problems for them in trying to form their own future relationships. Conversely, if parents govern together with love and peace, then they set a positive example of what a relationships should look like to their children.
We need to strive to be aware of our behaviors. It is easy to fall into patterns of complacency, and just "do what feels right", but this can often lead to falling into bad habits. By staying aware of our behaviors and reacting to the emotions of those around us, we can work to create a better home dynamic.


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