
Showing posts from September, 2022

The Influence of Media

     We consume information every day. Oftentimes, it happens without us realizing it. We might see an ad on the street, or happen to walk by an active television. Information is being fed to us from everywhere, and it takes conscious effort to parse the things that we are exposed to. Unfortunately, the media holds a very powerful grip on our society, and stories and agendas can be taken beyond the initial truth. We can see examples of this in regards to the public perception of the family. Ideas like overpopulation are very commonly held in the minds of many people, because this has been presented to us as a scientific truth, and we do not always look into the facts for ourselves.      This is what it comes down to: fear. Fear sells. Fear is exciting, and it is what keeps people hinging on the words of media influencers and news channels. Oftentimes, a new study will come out that says something frightening and dreary, like the problem of overpopulation. These things stick in our mind