A Brief Look at Fatherhood
There are a lot of resources and research regarding fathers and their role in the family. Here are five interesting points that I have found in the paper, Fatherhood Matters: An Integrative Review of Fatherhood Intervention Research. 1: Over 40% of children grow up in the United States without consistent and affirmative involvement of their fathers. This is a pretty significant number, as that means that nearly half of the USA population lacks that father figure in their childhood. Essentially half of the people growing up here are growing up under completely different circumstances than the nuclear family that I've been describing these past weeks, and this is significant because of the next point. 2: Children with suboptimal father involvement may experience socioemotional, developmental, and educational challenges that can extend into adulthood. Now the last point becomes a little more sobering. This is nearly half of the USA population that is growing up in, frankly, le...